Case study: The healthiest people on earth?!

Meet the Kuna Indians, off the Caribbean coast of Panama.

These indigenous peoples are one of the few populations on earth that do not suffer from hypertension. On the Kuna islands cardiovascular disease is almost none existent and the rate of cancer is significantly lower.

So what is the reason behind this? Is it genetics or stress free lifestyle?

Actually it’s their diet - more specifically their consumption of cacao. The Kuna drink up to 5 cups of natural cacao brew a day, which is the highest consumption compared with any other population on earth.

Chris Kilham, known around the world as the Medicine Hunter, spent time with the Kuna as they prepare it, and has tasted their concoction.

“They take a pot of water and mold bananas into it, then take ground-up cocoa beans and cook them in with the bananas and water, then they strain out banana pieces,” says Kilham. “The liquid tastes sweet and creamy and delicious.”

(Not sure how we feel about their concoction, but if anyone tries it let us know how you go 😊)


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