The dark side of “Black Friday” (and why we don’t get involved)

Black Friday creates a consumeristic frenzy. Our obsession with ‘fast and cheap’ is damaging the environment, and us.

It also undermines the time, effort and expertise that go into creating quality, ethical, sustainable products, putting great pressure on small businesses.

The care and craftsmanship that goes into harvesting and processing our cacao in small batches results in a premium quality product. Our cacao is therefore not cheap. However, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality cacao, without breaking the bank.

This means our margins are tight, and we must take great care to ensure our business model is viable. As such, we rarely offer wholesale prices, as we do not have the pricing structure nor supply levels to support this, and we 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 offer store-wide discounts. This Black Friday will be no exception.

We’ll be asking ourselves the following questions to avoid getting caught up in a shopping frenzy this week: is what I am buying sourced ethically and sustainably? Could I be supporting a small, family-run business instead? And do I really need more STUFF in my life? We invite you to do the same 🙂


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