Greetings, Soma Crew!
It’s mid-January already (and midsummer!) - we have reached that time when the new year ceases to be a resolution, and starts to become a reality.
We hope you’ve all settled into a happy routine, with a healthy balance of freedom and discipline, and are feeling excited for what 2025 might bring.
Routine is important to us at soma (our fellow cat-owners will understand), but we’re also aware how easy it is to get lost in routines, and live life on autopilot, going through the motions while the days slip namelessly by. We believe the antidote to too much routine is ritual: those little moments of intention and clarity (no matter how commonplace) that bring our lives back into focus, so that we are living them, and not just watching them be lived.
A morning or evening cup of cacao is a routine for many of us.
Here are five ways to make that routine a ritual:
1. No phones. Try setting a rule that you won’t pick up your phone until after you wash your mug in the morning, or that you’ll turn your phone off before your first sip of cacao at night. Phones are useful tools during the day, but they suck our power if we leave them on overnight.
2. Sit outside. Take some time to watch the day unfolding. Listen to the birds, have a look at the sky.
3. Be grateful. Think of something you’re thankful for before taking your first sip of cacao. Gratitude brings us into the moment, because we can only be grateful for what we have. Gratitude is the antidote to both worry and regret.
4. Silence. Perhaps take the time to drink your cacao alone, or, if you are with a special somebody, spend a minute or two without talking. The world is so vivid in silence, and relating becomes so easy.
5. Sensations. Let the cacao bring you back to your body. Taste, smell, look; feel the warmth of the mug, the way the cacao feels in your mouth and your tummy; watch your mood slowly alter. The more curious you are, the more present you will be, and the key to ritual is presence.
We offer these suggestions not as hard-and-fast rules, but simply as ways to make moments more special. For when life is full of special moments, is that not a special life?
We hope this year is a blessing to everyone. Happy soma-ing, all.
With vanilla, coconut sugar, and a little salt,
Rose, Alistair, and the team at Soma Cacao Australia