Soma Cacao Chocolate Fudge

Soma Cacao Chocolate Fudge 4 ingredients. 5 simple steps. Guaranteed to satisfy any sweet craving. Hot tip: prepare a batch on the weekend and enjoy for your post dinner treat during the week 😍𝗜𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀🥥 1 cup @naturescharm coconut condense

4 ingredients. 5 simple steps. Guaranteed to satisfy any sweet craving. Hot tip: prepare a batch on the weekend and enjoy for your post dinner treat during the week 😍

🥥 1 cup @naturescharm coconut condensed milk (or other condensed milk)
🍫 1 1/2 cups Soma Cacao (or sub 3/4 cups Soma Cacao + 3/4 cup good quality dark chocolate)
🥜 3/4 cup mixed nuts, toasted, chopped
🧂 Pinch salt

1. Prepare a small square/rectangular tin by lining it with aluminum foil and spraying the foil with nonstick cooking spray.
2. Add 2cm water to a saucepan, heat on medium to high heat, and add a large heatproof bowl on top to create a double boiler. Place the cacao/chocolate in the bowl, it will start to melt.
3. Once melted, turn off the heat and add the condensed milk, nuts and salt, stir to combine.
4. Pour the fudge into the prepared pan.
5. Allow it to set in the freezer for a couple of hours.

Once set, cut into small cubes and enjoy 🤩